Tiger Eye | Necklace

38.00 incl. VAT

Length: ≈60cm

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SKU: SSN-031 Categories: , Tag:


Introducing our stunning Tiger Eye Necklace! This exquisite piece combines the natural beauty of Tiger Eye stone with the elegance of sterling silver. The warm, earthy tones of the stone create a captivating look that will add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. Get yours today and embrace your inner wildcat!

Tigers Eye is good for growing your confidence and strength and it is known as the stone of courage. It is a root and sacral chakra stone which means it helps you to get grounded, build a safe and strong foundation, and find your motivation once more. It’s also good at warding off negative energy.

Length: ≈60cm

Additional information

Dimensions 60 cm

Sterling Silver. The metal will not rust or perish.



tiger eye stone necklace on a speckled coaster on a terrazzo tray

Tiger Eye | Necklace

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